Close your eyes and you will see
the entire universe is within you.

Faith Facilitates Form

A reflection on belief, manifestation and the frequency of bringing thought into being
Why faith* is the missing link in the modern world.

* a spiritual perspective


belief /bɪˈliːf/ noun

  1. . an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.

  2. trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).

It is no secret that everything occurs twice — first in the mind and second in manifest reality.

Manifestation  — more aptly called Creation — occurs through our belief rather than our thoughts, emotions and perhaps even our actions. When we believe something is going to happen as a matter of fact, we exist in total harmonic resonance with that manifest reality. Nothing can be created through the frequency of doubt or fear. This is because there is a disconnect in the cyclic flow of energy that is creation.

Thoughts, emotions and actions are not enough to overpower the frequency of belief. For example, if you repeat an affirmation each day but your entire being does not believe the words you speak, the words you speak are rendered useless. Or if you train for years to be an artist and make incredible work but don't believe your work is incredible, it won't be. This is because life creates through harmonic resonance rather than dissonance. Matter is designed to move away from chaos and into divine order through resonance.

Belief is the Breath of Life. It is the power required for our dormant master creator gene to activate and begin what it is destined to do. Create. Human has a radiant urge to create and project forward (our likeness to the One that projected life forward into being). When we create we believe in our creation, therefore strengthening the frequency between that we believe in and that which is.

Faith then, becomes our ability to resonate in total trust and belief in our highest good in service of the highest good of All. When we completely believe in something and trust that it is going to happen our entire being comes into resonance with it. This is how the Law of Attraction works.

When people tell you to match your frequency to that which you are trying to attract, they are really telling you to find a way to truly believe it. For example, when a small child is in total belief that Santa Claus is coming to visit them on Christmas Eve they often recount seeing and experiencing Santa Claus in their reality. The adult parent does not believe in this reality and therefore it does not exist. Physics attributes this phenomena to "The Observer Effect" in which nothing exists independently of that which observes it. The intention/awareness/belief of the observer ultimately affects and alters that which is being observed.

When we consciously work with what we think, how we feel and how we act we co-create our experience of reality with the divine. When we allow ourselves to experience life through the frequency of belief, we give energy (awareness) to potential timelines of reality that could not exist without it. As a collective we may need to reverse the idea you need to see something to believe it and instead learn to believe something in order to see it.

  • Intuition + Discernment = Knowing

  • The answer you seek is so simple you might overlook it.

  • Give yourself completely to life and life gives to you completely.

  • Your only job as a channel is to remain clear and open. Remove all obstacles that restrict life force moving through you. Listen.

  • Trust your inner knowing above all else.

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There is an ease that comes with releasing the need to know everything. There is magic in the mystery of unfolding life and in surrendering completely to the magnetic pull of the universe. The less we grasp, the more we hold.

Let go and watch life move through you.


When you radiate divine love from a deep inner sacred union you are protected by a field impenetrable by darkness.

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Palms up, eyes open, soul expanding.

When you open your heart and pay attention there is magic in every moment begging for you to witness it.

There is more wisdom in nature than in all the books of the world.

I sit beneath the old gum tree, palms up, eyes open, soul drenched in the afternoon sun. Listening intently to the way the wind moves, the way my heart beats. Oceans roar. Sweet new spring life by the feet of its Mama. If you wander too far the stars can guide you home. Head north. The water is running down stream. When you let all the noise settle there is a gentle rhythm that pervades all things. Stillness. Movement. Cycles.

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For thoughts to manifest into matter they must travel through the energy of emotion.

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Twenty-nine inner truths

I know nothing and neither does anyone else.

Everyone is living their own journey and doing their best from their current level of awareness.

Each day before you open your eyes open you heart and your mind. The open soul is an expression of divine love.

Your intuition is a tool to be used like your hands or your eyes. Use it like you do your hands or your eyes.

The cosmos are the deepest guides to our inner worlds. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm. As above, so below.

Darkness, anger and hatred are too expressions of divine love.

Your word is your wand. Use it with intention.

The key to a life without needless suffering is balance.

We are spiritual beings choosing to have a human experience. Part of that experience is enjoyment of our senses and the material world.

Your heart is the way through and love truly is the answer.

Let go! On the other side of control is absolute freedom.

Time and attention are the greatest gifts we have to give.

There are more ways to serve the Supreme than the path of the guru or the mystic.

Things need to be believed to be seen and not the other way around.

Trust is a concept and not a single reality. We each have our own truths and each of those truths is true.

I am not my ancestors, my ethnicity, my gender, my sexuality, my personality, my career or other people's ideas of me. I am infinite potential expressing itself through human consciousness.

Sitting each day in stillness is the greatest gift you could give yourself.
Meditate like you drink water.

It is completely human to find yourself out of balance. Breathe and come home.
You are constantly changing and change is a sign of life.

For thoughts to manifest into matter they must travel through the energy of emotion.

Energy is currency. Gratitude is the gateway.

Stay curious. Beliefs and opinions are rigid and create a framework for limitation.

Trust yourself. No one knows better for you than you.

Polarity exists in a unified field. Good/bad, light/dark, hot/cold all exist within this field and are all equally necessary.

Life cannot exist without death. Life depends on death. Life and death are both parts of the cycle of transformation which never ends.

Surrender to your Dharma. You already know what it is and likely always have.

There is always enough time, money and energy for everyone and everything.

Keep control of your thoughts.

You could complete a million cycles on earth and still not begin to have it all figured out (so stop trying to).

There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything is divinely orchestrated for your highest good (including your darkest shadows).

I begin my journey with a deep knowing. There is no final destination, I cannot arrive.

Each day we are granted the divine gift of life, of being here in human form and experiencing our own version of reality. There is no finish line waiting for us at the end of this experience. No test to pass or doorway to walk through. This journey is not one to be completed. We are offered, time and again, the opportunity to transform and expand into deeper being. Each life contributing to the universal consciousness that always was and will forever be. What an honour to find myself here, alive in the ether, dancing in the changing winds of life. When we take our eyes of the illusory finish life we might find we are always here, in the eternal now.


The soul is a prisoner of its own ignorance. The gateway to infinite potentiality is in the wisdom of remembrance. Only in the process of unlearning what we think are we able to remember what we know. You already are, always were and will infinitely be.


Until your heart has opened wide enough to hold the depths of its own sorrows, only then can it hold space to love beyond self.
Before you can fill a pool with water, dig.


— On Compassion